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Extreme Talent Awakening Empty Extreme Talent Awakening

Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:30 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
What is it?

ETA allows users to awaken their extreme talent to the fullest.

How does the Awakening happen?

By fully maxing out all of the upgrades for every passive and active skill of extreme talent and getting the ninja tutor badge first, players will be given the choice to awaken it. This will add more reasons for players to grind.

Where should the "Awakening" feature be located?

Prolly right at the bottom part of your extreme talent where if you scroll down further enough, there's like an "awaken talent" button that becomes available after fulfilling the requirements.

Who will benefit from this?

That would be everyone, both the game and the players.

When should this be available in case it gets implemented?

Probably when the level cap is 80 and Ninja Tutor badge is available so it's almost a guarantee that every veteran player has maxed out their ETs.

Why would this feature matter?

It will add a new spice to the game, something different from the original NS and its other predecessors.

Here's a list of the suggested awakening for each ET:

Eye of Mirror - unpurifiable burn and regenerate 5% HP and CP per turn
Dark Eye - +30% chakra points and another +10% crit
Deadly Performance - recover 12% cp and increase AGI by 8%
8ex- +15% damage and increase HP by 20%
Saint Power - +15% HP/CP + 10% resistance and purify

Thank you for taking the time to read this, best regards!

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