Ninja Master: A Shinobi Saga Discussions
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Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion Empty Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion

Thu Aug 29, 2024 3:31 pm
Hi Devs,

I hope this message reach all of you. The current guild mechanics is very concerning (at least for me). I am here since season 1 and I witnessed it all. From my perspective, here are some improvements that might benefit all of us (Might increase active guilds, active players, as well as in game purchases)

1. Revamp Guild Ranking Rewards
As of now, only top 3 guilds have the best rewards, the next reward is just 500 tokens, then 250 tokens (which we can farm in a couple of days). It's not enough to compensate for the time we spent grinding and some even burn tokens for provisions. I propose we have clothing added to the guild ranking rewards for the top 10. Or any exclusive rewards other than small amount of tokens.

2. Rewards based on Guild War Points
For example, all guilds who reached 100,000 war points will receive an exclusive hairstyle. For 250,000 war points they receive hair style + back item. For 500,000 war points they receive hair style + back item + exclusive weapon. By doing this, all guilds can have a goal every season. Of course, the war points requirement should be realistic. The preparation days, maximum provision gain per day, minimum provisions farmed during preparation days, and total attackers (currently 12) should be considered before setting the war points requirements.

3. Increase Guild Member Slot
Currently we have 15 slots. With our current rewards, only 45 individual players can be happy each season (top 3 guilds)

4. Increase Onigiri Cap
Currently we have 10 onigiri every 3 hours. You have to actively play every 3 hours just to keep up with the minimum. If you miss 2 refreshes, you're below (considering the time you sleep too). If we can have 30 onigiri cap, I think more players can keep up with the guild war requirement

5. Onigiri Refresh Timer
I know there is a notification for this but it would be very helpful if we have an in game timer for the remaining time for the onigiri to refresh

6. Guild Buff that can be used in unranked PVE battles
Similar to settlements (Or an improvement of the current settlements). I suggest we have guild buffs that can be used outside guild war. (Guild raid, the upcoming dungeon, Hunting house, basically all unranked PVE battles). By having this, staying in a guild is important

7. Guild Donation Reset Notification
The current is 24 hours after your last donation. This is very tedious. There is no notification so you have to set an external alarm.

8. Guild Name or Guild Acronym of their choice beside your Character Name
This is just a minor aesthetic but it's fun to see it in game like [AE] Yejisoo

9. Guild Chat
Self-explanatory. There was a suggestion for that posted here already.

10. Disable "Leave" Guild Icon during guild war
I saw some players in the past seasons here who accidentally clicked leave guild during guild war. Firstly, a member should not be able to leave the guild since it's written in the rules. Leaving guild during guild war should be disabled.

11. More exchangeable items using broken trinkets
These broken trinkets are already forgotten. Accessories from the blacksmith are also forgotten with the release of new accessories.

If I am going to make a change here, first I will revamp the guild rewards announce it using the Facebook Page. More players might be interested and might form a guild. There is still a lot of time to prepare to get the top 10. Together with this announcement, I will put a notification for the guild donation, increase onigiri cap, and put timer on onigiri refresh, and put guild chat. Then i will see it through the end of season 7. If there are significant improvements, then I will add a guild buff that can be used on PVE, increase guild member slot, and put guild score -based rewards.

This is just my suggestion. I am excited on the new feature guild dungeon raid and crystal shop. However, I don't think that is intended for getting more active guilds to participate in guild war.

I hope this message reach through every devs and players here. If there are any more suggestion, or a better suggestion, I hope we share it and hope that the devs will consider for the benefit of all of us. Thank you.

Last edited by yejisoo on Thu Aug 29, 2024 4:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Corrected number of attackers)

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Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion Empty Re: Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion

Thu Aug 29, 2024 4:36 pm
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Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion Empty Re: Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion

Thu Aug 29, 2024 5:28 pm
I love to see this suggestions will be implemented by the Dev's. A revamp for guild wars is a very good development not just for the members of the top guilds but also for everyone in the guilds. Other players who are passive with guild wars will think to join or make their own guilds just to secure rewards from the guild wars. I hope the dev's will make this happen and think for the benefit of his/her players in the game.

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Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion Empty Re: Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion

Thu Aug 29, 2024 5:28 pm
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Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion Empty Re: Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion

Thu Aug 29, 2024 5:40 pm
This will encourage players to join a guild and guild wars. Devs should check these suggestions.
Also add guild provision donation limit per day. If a guild have 15 members, a total donation should be 45000 per day if each player donate max of 3000.
This will help lessen the creation of a lot of dummy accounts that is being used just for guild donation.

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Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion Empty Re: Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion

Thu Aug 29, 2024 6:09 pm
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Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion Empty Re: Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion

Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:41 pm
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Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion Empty Re: Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion

Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:32 pm
yejisoo wrote:Hi Devs,

I hope this message reach all of you. The current guild mechanics is very concerning (at least for me). I am here since season 1 and I witnessed it all. From my perspective, here are some improvements that might benefit all of us (Might increase active guilds, active players, as well as in game purchases)

1. Revamp Guild Ranking Rewards
As of now, only top 3 guilds have the best rewards, the next reward is just 500 tokens, then 250 tokens (which we can farm in a couple of days). It's not enough to compensate for the time we spent grinding and some even burn tokens for provisions. I propose we have clothing added to the guild ranking rewards for the top 10. Or any exclusive rewards other than small amount of tokens.

2. Rewards based on Guild War Points
For example, all guilds who reached 100,000 war points will receive an exclusive hairstyle. For 250,000 war points they receive hair style + back item. For 500,000 war points they receive hair style + back item + exclusive weapon. By doing this, all guilds can have a goal every season. Of course, the war points requirement should be realistic. The preparation days, maximum provision gain per day, minimum provisions farmed during preparation days, and total attackers (currently 12) should be considered before setting the war points requirements.

3. Increase Guild Member Slot
Currently we have 15 slots. With our current rewards, only 45 individual players can be happy each season (top 3 guilds)

4. Increase Onigiri Cap
Currently we have 10 onigiri every 3 hours. You have to actively play every 3 hours just to keep up with the minimum. If you miss 2 refreshes, you're below (considering the time you sleep too). If we can have 30 onigiri cap, I think more players can keep up with the guild war requirement

5. Onigiri Refresh Timer
I know there is a notification for this but it would be very helpful if we have an in game timer for the remaining time for the onigiri to refresh

6. Guild Buff that can be used in unranked PVE battles
Similar to settlements (Or an improvement of the current settlements). I suggest we have guild buffs that can be used outside guild war. (Guild raid, the upcoming dungeon, Hunting house, basically all unranked PVE battles). By having this, staying in a guild is important

7. Guild Donation Reset Notification
The current is 24 hours after your last donation. This is very tedious. There is no notification so you have to set an external alarm.

8. Guild Name or Guild Acronym of their choice beside your Character Name
This is just a minor aesthetic but it's fun to see it in game like [AE] Yejisoo

9. Guild Chat
Self-explanatory. There was a suggestion for that posted here already.

10. Disable "Leave" Guild Icon during guild war
I saw some players in the past seasons here who accidentally clicked leave guild during guild war. Firstly, a member should not be able to leave the guild since it's written in the rules. Leaving guild during guild war should be disabled.

11. More exchangeable items using broken trinkets
These broken trinkets are already forgotten. Accessories from the blacksmith are also forgotten with the release of new accessories.

If I am going to make a change here, first I will revamp the guild rewards announce it using the Facebook Page. More players might be interested and might form a guild. There is still a lot of time to prepare to get the top 10. Together with this announcement, I will put a notification for the guild donation, increase onigiri cap, and put timer on onigiri refresh, and put guild chat. Then i will see it through the end of season 7. If there are significant improvements, then I will add a guild buff that can be used on PVE, increase guild member slot, and put guild score -based rewards.

This is just my suggestion. I am excited on the new feature guild dungeon raid and crystal shop. However, I don't think that is intended for getting more active guilds to participate in guild war.

I hope this message reach through every devs and players here. If there are any more suggestion, or a better suggestion, I hope we share it and hope that the devs will consider for the benefit of all of us. Thank you.

[Part 2]

I decided to include more since I've started this and want the game to last or at least get some more active guilds.
Note: Not all of this are my own ideas. There are some suggestion here that were already posted in this forum but i'd like to open it up.

12. More rewards in doing both guild raid and bandits
After every win:
a. 50% chance to receive 1-10 gold,
b. 30% chance to receive 1-5 talent points
c. 10% chance to receive 1-3 tokens
The rewards should not be too much. We will have more reason to farm provisions and do bandits.

13. More ways to farm more provisions
Since provisions is the primary currency in the guild, we need more of it by either of the following:
a. Introduce a wearable item that increases provision reward by x % after every successful guild raid.
b. Introduce a consumable item that increases provision reward by x % for x no. of successful guild raids (Stackable effects)
c. Weekly event of increased provision rewards by x %

14. Set the daily guild donation cap to total members multiplied by maximum donation per member
I understand that the "workers" are there to help the main guild to reach the highest total guild donations but this hinders other guilds to join the guild war. If I'm a veteran player but i want to form a guild, but I know there are guilds out there who have hundreds of dummies each, i wouldn't dare to join the guild war. That is already a disadvantage.
Also if a guild buff that can be used in PVE and guild name beside IGN is implemented, i would always want to stay on the main guild.
The new upcoming guild dungeon raid can be a reason for this too. No details yet but maybe this dungeon needs all 15 strong members to have the highest rewards, maybe.

15. Daily and Weekly Member Activity Leaderboard with Rewards
As the title implies, every guild activity performed by a member will be given a corresponding activity points. Daily and weekly rewards will depend on their ranking. System will use UTC+0 (time zone used in a guild)
Doing any of the following will yield x no. of activity points:
a. Donating x no. of provisions,
b. Defeating a bandit,
c. Finishing a guild raid,
d. Receiving x no. of provisions in a successful guild raid (I do not know if this is trackable from the dev's perspective)
e. Finishing a guild dungeon raid
f. Chat in guild chat (If implemented, there should be a short timer that starts after your last chat to prevent spam chats)
All mentioned activities above will have a daily activity points cap. Each member can see their own daily activity points status. There will also be a leaderboard displayed in guild where all members can see the daily and weekly ranking. Since there are only 15 members currently, only top 5 will receive daily and weekly rewards every xx:xx utc+0 automatically sent to their email (or manually claimed inside the guild)
This way, members will have plenty of reasons to be active in a guild and an active guild can compete on guild war.

I hope these suggestions are worth trying. Thank you.
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Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion Empty Re: Guild Mechanics/Features Suggestion

Tue Sep 03, 2024 4:43 pm
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