Ninja Master: A Shinobi Saga Discussions
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Guild War Suggestion Empty Guild War Suggestion

Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:42 am
Replenish Guardian Stamina Overtime
-Guardian's replenish 1 stamina every X/XX mins they are untouched
-Make the guild gate upgradeable through warfunds which affects how many stamina is going to be refreshed after a certain amount of time.

Stat Boost for Guardians and Attackers
-Guild members can gain stat boost depending on their ranking for the first 5 mins of the war and the boost resets every 12 hours to cater the new ranking.
-Make a guild training ground/barracks/or a particular facility upgradeable that provides stat boost to each members.

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Guild War Suggestion Empty Re: Guild War Suggestion

Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:29 pm
Make warfund can upgrade stat in wars. AI is too easy to killed since they dont use combo and use bad decisions.

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Guild War Suggestion Empty Guild War Suggestion by Dragon KingS Guild Leader Liorek

Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:29 am
Message reputation : 0% (1 vote)
My suggestion would be in each guild war the top first 3 places, they cannot participate in the next clan war. If someone leaves the Clan being the winning Clan to participate with another clan, they can only re-enter until the next war is over. That way a monopoly is not created and we all have the right to win something like the fan of the week, but if they win they must have that space and wait to participate again.
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Guild War Suggestion Empty Re: Guild War Suggestion

Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:32 am
Liorek wrote:My suggestion would be in each guild war the top first 3 places, they cannot participate in the next clan war. If someone leaves the Clan being the winning Clan to participate with another clan, they can only re-enter until the next war is over. That way a monopoly is not created and we all have the right to win something like the fan of the week, but if they win they must have that space and wait  to participate again.

Banned for participating in the next war for being top 1-3? Outrageously awesome💀

Since you've suggested it, you should also suggest to ban the top 10 and top 50 in boss raid and ninja tower from participating in those events' next seasons to avoid "monopoly". I believe those players will commend you and say "wow, nice idea!😯👏"

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Guild War Suggestion Empty Re: Guild War Suggestion

Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:34 pm
Liorek wrote:My suggestion would be in each guild war the top first 3 places, they cannot participate in the next clan war. If someone leaves the Clan being the winning Clan to participate with another clan, they can only re-enter until the next war is over. That way a monopoly is not created and we all have the right to win something like the fan of the week, but if they win they must have that space and wait  to participate again.

What you see:
Get exlusive jutsu and token

What you dont see:
1. Griding like crazy
2. Manage members
3. Training new members
4. Wars plan
5. Diplomacy
6.Recruiting and selections
7. Helping and support each other
8. Epic and long battle
9. Very very hard work
10.And many more

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Guild War Suggestion Empty Re: Guild War Suggestion

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