Ninja Master: A Shinobi Saga Discussions
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Training Grounds Suggestions Empty Training Grounds Suggestions

Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:09 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
What are Training Grounds?

From the term itself, it's a place or literally a ground for Shinobis to train themselves.

How does it work?

Shinobis can train stats that they haven't touched (the one with 0 stat points in their profile except HP, CP, and Agility as these are vital). So if player X has only upgraded their HP, CP, Agi, and Concentration, they won't be able to train Concentration.

What kind of training should be available?

Physical Training - increase damage
Meditation - increase CP
Endurance Training - increase res & prot
Hardcore Endurance Training - increase HP
Projectile Dodging - increases flex
Form and Movements Training - increases concentration
Aqua Assimilation - increase puri
Running - increase AGI

How many traits can a player train and how much stats should be attainable through training?

I think 2-3 traits and half of the player's level should be the attainable stat.
E.g: Lvl 80 player trains in Running for XX time, they can only gain 40 stat points at max.


Personally, this would have a pretty mid-impact but it will pave way to some players' dream build for the game.

This is merely a suggestion and best regards!

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