Ninja Master: A Shinobi Saga Discussions
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Mon Jun 10, 2024 2:40 am
Message reputation : 0% (1 vote)

I've been a player of this game for a while now and I'm happy to see how the game is being improved with each update. There are a few things I would like to see improve so I'll share below.

Balance the Elements : I had to give up being a Fire user because Earth was that much more useful. I can't be an Uchiha with earth element. Please give us a reason to be anything other than earthbenders Sad

Direct Damage vs Effects : I feel like we've been pushed to rely on hp reduction/burn/Cuttup to do damage. Please add more justus that do big direct damage. It would make Stat boosts more useful if there are moves that actually do damage instead of relying on effects that can be resisted.

Cresent Eye of Mirror : This one is a bit of a nitpick maybe, but I've never seen this talent activate ever. I don't think enemies in the game even use genjustu, so this talent is kinda useless most of the time.

Other than those few things, I think the game is improving well. I'm happy to support the game and thank you devs for all your hard work!

***Maybe also update the style shop as well. I want Madara or Pain (piercings) hairstyle!!!

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Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:32 pm
NinjaAwakened21 wrote:Hello I'm a new user to this game and I'll be giving my feedback as to my experience for the past 3 days..
Being a beginner I wanted to create my own build for my first experience so I planned to do a lightning/critical hit build with sustainable cp and water/fire damage.
I did not realize I would be at a severe disadvantage for not referencing a stat build for lvl 20. I've gotten past every test but the last.
I also did not realize there was a level cap for before each ranking exams. Which is confusing to me because I love the grind aspect of the game so I assumed since I did not reference a stat build I could make it up by continuing to level up in order to catch up at harder missions . I believe i need more agility cause Kojimo was able to take 3 turns on me constantly while cc'ing me. The fact that u can only add people 2 levels higher make it a little rough for new players, maybe this can be changed to 5 levels to help compensate.Im a little frustrated because I spent money on the game thinking i could run my custom build to be the #1 Hokage and now im stuck. Further reading other players guides for endgame I realized majority of users are earth benders endgame. If there's no potential for different builds endgame to be viable this would suck because it ruins the whole premise to create your own ninja how u want to. I think the game is great and has room for great potential but there definitely needs to be some re workings for smoother gameplay for new users. I will keep reading guides to learn more about the game , thank you.

You can freestyle your build when you get to higher levels. You may redeem "CHELEM" in Marketplace > Redeem for a free stat reset. Fun fact, exams were harder back then so you're actually fortunate as the ones that you've been fighting are nerfed bosses Shocked

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