Ninja Master: A Shinobi Saga Discussions
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Age : 21
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Element Balance Suggestion Empty Element Balance Suggestion

Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:54 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
+10% purify
+10% damage when using water
+45 CP per stat point >> (SUGGESTION)40 CP per stat point
(SUGGESTION)+10% healing received (since water has those healing jutsus specifically refresh) OR for every 5 stat points in CP, increase purify chance by 1%
+0.3 purify per stat point >> (SUGGESTION)0.4 per stat point

+10% crit chance
+10% damage when using lightning
+0.4 crit per stat point
(SUGGESTION)extra 10% crit chance when using lightning jutsus

+10% prot & res
+10% damage when using earth jutsus
+45 HP per stat point >> (SUGGESTION)40 HP per stat point
(SUGGESTION)-20% chance to trigger harden every 5 turns

+10% flex
+10% damage when using wind jutsus
+0.45 AGI per stat point >> (SUGGESTION)0.40 AGI per stat point
(SUGGESTION) - for every 5 stat points in AGI, flexibility will increase by 1%

+10% damage
+10% damage when using fire jutsus
+0.4 damage per stat point >> (SUGGESTION) 0.45 dmg per stat point
(SUGGESTION) - 30% chance to inflict 5% burn to target for 3 turns every time the user uses firestyle

Currently, the META revolves around Earth, with primary emphasis on stats like CP, HP, and agility, which makes sense. However, it would be refreshing to witness other elements take the spotlight, breaking free from the monotonous presence of Earth-centric builds and strategies. This change (even if the suggestions above are not followed as long as there's a buff/nerf) will result in introducing a more diverse and dynamic gaming experience for the new and veteran players to explore.

Best regards!
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